
Differentiation in Deep Learning

deep learning

When I started to learn Neural Networks, people kept emphasizing the importance of Back Propagation, that it worths to thoroughly understand it, that one could not fully grasp and utilise Neural Networks without it, etc. On the other hand, coding in Deep Learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch does not give the feeling that Back Propagation is that indispensible.

At that time, I took these remarks seriously and read or watched a whole bunch of videos, books and articles on Backprop. But I always had had an uneased feeling about Backprop.

With hindsight, the single most used differentiation technique in Deep Learning is gradient descent, which is taught to almost everyone who has a university degree and which was discovered long long ago in the history of Mathematics. So what novelty is there in Deep Learning that has to wait until the 21st century?


To me, the novelty is automatic differentiation. It is the way computers nowadays efficiently calculate the differential of a function (when either or both the dimensions of the domain and the codomain is large).

As for Back Propagation, I think what is important is that one really takes a specific example (e.g. a shallow NN, CNN, RNN, etc.), and figures out the following

Below are a few materials that I particularly recommend:

I have mentioned earlier that I had had an uneased feeling about Backprop. By sitting down and scratching the ideas written in the article, I have realized that Backprop is just a fancy word. It's nothing but ordinary differentiation. What really matters is that one really carries out an example's calculation and convince themselves that they have understood.

Even after finishing editing the article in LaTeX, the uneased feeling did not disappear. I thought,

"Now, theoretically I can carry out the computations in similar examples, but how on Earth should I command a computer to do that?"

Indeed, it's simply too complicated if a computer has to go that way. And that's where Autodiff comes up on stage.


TensorFlow, PyTorch, Flux and most Deep Learning frameworks implements autodiff. The readers of this post could choose any one of them and start to play with it.

It's also very educative to introduce these frameworks to those who starts to learn Calculus.

I have started to write a tutorial of my own on how to use Flux, a Julia DL framework. In particular, the following article demonstrates how Autodiff could be easily done in such frameworks: gradient function in Flux